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Courts & SportsWorld Health & Fitness Promotion


The theme for this year’s promotion is to Eat Right… Train Right… Sleep Right..  by Do It Right to stay healthy and be happy. During this promotion, we will educate our customers and the community at large through BMI awareness to stay healthy in these challenging times.

Promote Courts & Sportsworld brands and products for a Healthy Fiji! We have a wide range of products to offer our customers to help them stay fit. Kitchen appliances for healthy cooking, fitness equipment to train right and comfortable bed, mattress & bedding for a goodnights sleep.

Calculate Your BMI

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. View the BMI tables or use the tool below to compute yours.

  • Enter your weight and height using standard measures.
  • Select “Compute BMI” and your BMI will appear below.

[BMIAKC_adult_calc lang=”English” id_calc=”e1674111506″]

Fitness equipment to train right

Comfortable bed, mattress & bedding for a goodnights sleep.

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